Convert quart to ounces (qt to oz)
Facts about fluid ounce (oz)
A fluid ounce is a unit of volume in both the Imperial system of units and the U.S. customary units system. However, the two measures are not quite the same: The Imperial fluid ounce is 1/160 of an imperial gallon or 1/20 of an imperial pint or 8 fluid drams, about 1.734 cubic inches or 28.4130625 millilitres. This volume of water weighs very nearly 1 avoirdupois ounce (it is the volume occupied by one ounce at 62 °F (16.7 °C), weighed in air with brass weights). See all conversions for ounces here.General information about qt to oz
Other conversion pairs in volume
- Convert cups to gallon
- Convert cups to ounces
- Convert cups to pints
- Convert cups to quarts
- Convert gallons to ounces
- Convert gallons to cups
- Convert gallons to liters
- Convert gallons to pints
- Convert gallons to quarts
- Convert liters to milliliters
- Convert liters to gallons
- Convert milliliters to liters
- Convert milliliter to ounces
- Convert ounces to cups
- Convert ounces to gallons
- Convert ounces to milliliter
- Convert ounces to quart
- Convert pints to cups
- Convert pints to gallons
- Convert pints to quarts
- Convert quarts to cups
- Convert quarts to gallons
- Convert quarts to pints
Tobi Tarwater
Update: 2023-03-15